The auto shipping rates you charge customers could begin to look a little light if you constantly have to pay for little accidents to your transport vehicles. The new Aero Guard bumper can save you repair costs down the road and according to the maker Hendrickson is a bumper that has taken about four years to develop and design. Utilizing a unique combination of materials and a design process that has made it possible to incorporate large structural ribs into the thermoplastic injection molded parts of this new bumper, the Aero Guard bumper is the heavy-duty transport vehicle manufacturing industries first aerodynamic and lightweight non-metal bumper designed to have excellent fuel economy. Hendrickson has also indicated that the new Aero Guard bumper provides cold-impact durability down to minus 40 degrees, while staying strong, helps to keep the engine cooler, and improves ground clearance of the vehicle transport in question.
Hendrickson announced this news to the transport industry of the United States in a press conference on Wednesday, just ahead of the Great American Trucking Show, which starts today in Dallas. American professionals in the business of shipping cars overseas will most likely be on hand to take a look at the new Aero Guard bumper, so drop on by and say hello to other American truck lovers and transport professionals, and enjoy some of the entertainment that organizers have planned for the Great American Truck Show. This could be your chance to have a look at a bumper that could save you a little money down the road and make some new friends and contacts in the transport industry that could lead to profitable deals down the road.