Professional car transporter technicians were on hand for the fall meeting of the TMC SuperTech Competition at the Technology & Maintenance Council’s in Raleigh, North Carolina, this week. This particular competition was created by TMC to recognize and promote transport technicians on a national level through TMC’s Professional Technical Development Committee, according to sources close to this event. The winner this time is Jeffrey Schlecht, a technician who works for a truck shop in Norfolk, who outscored 40 other professional transport technicians in a series of written and hands-on tests designed to test their skills, and technical and mechanical aptitude for the job of making sure transports are ready and able to move to destination in a reliable, efficient and cost-effective manner.
Sources indicate that Jeffrey comes by his skills in a normal way for Americans, he learned by watching his father work on transport trucks, during his career as a technician. A technician with seven years experience working on all makes and models of transports that ship cars in the United States of America, it appears that Jeffrey Schlecht has reached a mile stone in his career as a technician. A graduate of the Wyoming Technical College, this was apparently the first technician’s competiton that Jeffery has entered, and if this first competition is any indication, we might be hearing about Jeffery competiting in the future? One thing is for certain, Jeffrey must be very proud of his accomplishments, and his father must be smiling, whatever he’s doing.
Technicians that work on car carriers that would like to show the world and other transportation professionals the techncial and mechanical skills they have developed over the years should take