Today, more then ever, it is important to make sure your vehicle is being transported by a reliable company. As the economy worsens day by day, many companies are failing to maintain proper insurance. Insurance and the ability to pay the drivers are very important aspects of the auto transport industry. These issues can affect the quality of service you are provided by how the carriers view the company that you book your transportation with.
Car Shipping from New York to California
Let’s say you’re moving from New York to San Diego and your vehicle is a Mercedes-Benz CL 55. When you are talking to different companies about price and transit time, be sure to ask how much insurance they have as an umbrella policy in the event something happens during transit. As many companies are feeling the economic hard times insurance and other monthly payments are not being maintained which could put your vehicle at risk. With the above example of the Mercedes-Benz CL55, car haulers would need at least $150,000.00 in coverage depending on how many cars the trailer can hold. This way a reliable company can make sure your vehicle is covered if something where to happen and if the car carriers insurance is voided due to missed payments.
Car Transport Insurance
To re-cap the importance of a sound company, let’s go through a check list. First, make sure the vehicle transport company uses a car carrier with proper insurance and has an umbrella policy themselves. Second, check to see how long the company you are talking to has been in business and if the have good reviews. Good relations with auto carriers can make all the difference in your auto shipping rates, transit time, and quality of service.
For more information on vehicle shipping solutions, call N-Motion Auto Transport today!